Training …. What Training???

Nice hat mate

Nice hat mate

Flew off to another state down south and the training got under way.  Arrived at the Franchisors and was introduced to everyone in the office.

ANOTHER MAJOR WARNING SIGN – The directors didn’t bother to meet with me or even introduce themselves at all.  That one should have told the story of who I was dealing with and how they were going to treat me within the franchise.  This should have rung massive alarm bells.

Training as I said ….. what training – I was shuffled into a small training room with a white board where a person started to put massive amount of unfamiliar data on the white board.  Non of which made sense – that went well.  This occurred for three straight days.  All that managed to do was confuse the ….. out of me.  The last two days of Quality training consisted of the National Franchise manager taking me around their best operating stores and leaving me with the Franchisor – who tried to explain how the system worked.  I visited 5 in two days and most of the time they were busy with their own customers.  That was a good idea….

Training done Mate – you are an expert in a very complicated industry – Phew…… awesome off to make our millions.

How did that go for us – the name of the site says it all Broke Ass Baby Boomer

So over the next 4.5 years they slowly destroyed our business by not really knowing what they were doing.  How do you find that out when buying into a franchise system – well

We lost our house and all our assets as we had to sell them to pay the small suppliers out.  For the last five years we have been still paying debt from the demise of that business.

If you are buying or considering buying a Franchise business or a Licence type business you really must do your due diligence.



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