Going to the Gym and Loosing Weight

Man they say that all the time it easier said than done.

I am over 55 years young

Weigh 107 kgs/235 pounds

Being over 55 I am told constantly by the docs bless them,that I need to loose weight – well here is my journey for this category of my life.

Nice hat mate

Nice hat mate

Was a smoker and have diminished lung capacity according to the Docs started off with 48% THAT SUX!!!! So I had to do something about this so I smashed it out at the gym everyday for a year and did manage to increase my lung capacity (according to specialist) to 74% capacity and she said I have Asthma.  You don’t need to come back she said woo hoo.

Used to go to the gym six days a week for that year and liked it but was getting a bit bored with it so decided to take up a sport – you got it – windsurfing – (which does seem like the hardest sport in the world to learn how to do – that is another story).  Due to the windsurfing component the gym component has been neglected.  Or at least trying to windsurf lol.

Yesterday was the first day in a while I have been to the gym.  In order for me to loose weight I have to burn more calories than I take in.  So I got on the cross trainer for 20 mins averaging 78 rpm or what ever the measurement is – I will have a look and let you know. Phew that was a work out and then I got on the treadmill and smashed out 25 minutes at 6 with intervals of 10 so out of the 25 minutes I made six mins @10.  Not bad considering I jumped on a treadmill and cross trainer two years ago and was flat out doing 10mins of six let alone 10.  Same with the cross trainer I had one of the gym attendants telling me to do 80 for 20 seconds which i couldn’t do at that time. Yesterday I did around 10 minutes at 80.

We eat very healthy at home, we seldom get take away food.  I do like a little Ice Cream and a few nuts at night – WOW – naughty me.

Sunday today – was hoping to get out on the board but the wind is a little low so should go to the gym – we will see

My name is Morgs and this is my story – I have to get motivated and who knows you might get motivated too get to the gym and work on our weight loss together so come along for the ride – if nothing else you might get a bit of a laugh at times lol

Have a nice day

Hooroo 🙂




  • Morgs says:

    Didn’t make it to the gym yesterday or today – mmm a bit frustrated at my slackness. Nor did I get out on the board, not enough wind or motivation here either. Was feeling a bit ordinary today tho so that is my excuse for today.

  • Morgs says:

    Now it is Wednesday Night and I haven’t gone to the gym still – I feel guilty and should get there but too early in the morning besides I am busy online looking at ways to make money online. Besides wind is looking really good on the weekend and should be able to get out on the board for both days Saturday and Sunday. That is along as it isn’t too cold….

  • Morgs says:

    Friday morning and still I haven’t been motivated enough to get to the gym – OK next week I am going to take my gym stuff to work and go on the way home.

    I am getting frustrated that I haven’t got the motivation to get there when last year and the year before I was happy and you could say addicted to going nearly every day. I must say that not loosing any weight when I did go hasn’t helped too much I guess.

    This weekend the wind is up at least I should get out there and have a windsurf (that is if it isn’t tooo cold – winter here brrrr) Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey lol. Wet suit will help

  • Morgs says:

    Ok today I am going to take my gym gear to work with the intention of stopping in on my way home. I have got very sore muscles from windsurfing on the week end but I must say that I got smashed on Sunday in the water and ran out of steam. Must get to the gym and work on my endurance and fitness.

    I just don’t really understand that it is so hard to get back to the gym which I used to really enjoy.

    Anyway will keep you posted on my progress